We’ve been planting our garden and I wanted to share what we’re planting.
Now I’m not a professional gardener, at all. But this year we decided to start a box garden which you can read that post on how to build a raised bed garden in less than an hour for $30! I’m so excited to share what we’re gardening plus 5 top gardening tips from someone who’s had a garden for years!

I grew up with my parents always gardening and planting something. Although when I was younger (like every kid) I hated the chores of weeding and watering. But now that we have our own home and about 5 years later there is something so grounding and therapeutic about it.
My Dad has such a green thumb pretty much anything he plants flourishes (which I’m very jealous of) so he’s been a great resource and the best person to get some advice from. When I asked my Dad what his top tips for gardening this is what he shared!

- Just love your plants!
Talk to them, nurture them and send them tons of love. - Consistent watering but avoid the leaves. Check deep to make sure the dirt is not dry below.
- Fertilize consistently but not overfeed
Fertilize every week but lightly. Some people fertilize heavy in the Spring and one in the Fall. It’s better to have consistent nutrition for your plants. - Keep weeds out
- Watch the ph in your soil keep between 6 and 6.5
These were short, sweet and to the point. But so important!
So what we’re planting
Green beans, Red Peppers, Carrots, Cucumbers, and Tomatoes
You can see what we’re planting here and follow how we laid it out!

I like this because it’s consistent, easy to understand and you know what the placement is. I will say, I did add two rows of broccoli because when I first planted it looked like it would all fit because the plants are so small. But Now that they’re growing I honestly think I’m going to run our of room. So this weekend we might be building another garden and I might try and transplant them. Eek!

I hope this post was helpful for you guys! If you’re starting a garden, let me know what you’re planting below!