I feel like there are thousands of posts about all things pregnancy. Through every trimester, which is great. But I feel like not enough people talk about the fourth trimester or postpartum. Man can it be real. So I’m super excited to share with you guys what I learned during the fourth trimester.
Now that we’re 11 months into this, some days it all still feels new.

Your own self-care is just as important as baby’s.
Please please read that 100 times over and believe it. It’s really easy to push all your needs aside but I’m telling you, please mama, take care of you. Take all the help you can get. If someone offers to come to help you, to let you nap, to make you a meal. They mean it. Take care of you and never feel guilty for it.
Take some time during your pregnancy and research all things breastfeeding and nursing.
Breastfeeding was something I didn’t expect to be as hard as it was. Long story short I wasn’t producing enough, we had to supplement and I was devastated. You guys I was so torn about it. I was so hard on myself, I was so angry with me and my body and I wish I would have given myself some more grace, love and time. If you need to supplement or if you decide you want to fully formula feed please don’t be hard on yourself.

Slow Down.
Of course, you’re going to have to slow down. But this sort of ties to the one above, I was so eager to get out to rock this motherhood to be out and about with my newborn but looking back I wish I would have just stayed home, allowed my body to heal, given myself more love and relaxed. I think that would have helped a lot with my baby blues.
It’s okay to turn down visitors.
This is something I wish someone would have told me in the hospital. It’s okay to wait for people to visit once you’re home and settled. I was so excited for people to come and see him. We were all so excited but our sweet boy was up all night and would sleep all day. So when visitors came, that means we’re now up 24/7 which is exhausting. Especially when you haven’t slept and you just DELIVERED a baby. Girl, it’s okay to say no.
Your body is different and it’s okay.
I had in my mind, the second I would deliver I would start dieting, get back in shape, immediately go back down to my “normal” size. I’m still not there and that’s okay. It’s so okay because I delivered and grew a human being. I feel good and I feel healthy. Try to give yourself grace during this time, just be gentle and take care of you, Mama. One thing that helped is I created a little bit of a capsule wardrobe for more loungewear. Aerie has some great loungewear pieces that are super cute but also incredibly comfortable.

I hope this helped! I hope you’re enjoying your pregnancy or your new little bundle of joy.
If you’re pregnant or just had your little bundle of joy you might find these posts helpful! : What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag, 5 Ways To Feel Better During Pregnancy, How to Improve Your Baby’s Gut Health, My Top Pregnancy Essentials, How To Survive Your First Trimester
Your point about it being ok to turn away visitors is a great one! It’s tough when you’re in the moment but sometimes you just need to say no and realize it’s perfectly acceptable.