Amour Vert Sweater, Agolde Shorts, San Diego Hat Co. Hat, Amerii Bag
Here we are, Summer is quickly coming to a close. My heart is breaking a little we had such a wonderful Summer with Apollo but I feel it went by so fast. They do so that when you have kids, it all flys by and it’s too true. It has gone by way too fast.
But life is truly so much sweeter with this little one. It’s so fun experiencing his firsts, watching him grow and seeing his little personality shine. He truly makes our days much brighter.
We’re excited to enjoy these fall months with him. We have so many things on our to-do list to experience with him. Also Holidays. I’m trying to not get as gitty. But growing up the Holidays were always so magical for us. My parents made sure of that so I can’t wait to bring that joy and magic to his life.