Hay hay m’friend!
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1. Waiting for the perfect moment to do what you want to do.
If you’re waiting to periscope because you need to have the perfect lighting, or have the perfect site, or have the perfect outline. I promise you nothing will EVER be the perfect time. You just need to start doing what you want to do NOW.
Or if you’re making the excuse to be happy. Which if you’re doing this I literally can’t stand it. You need to stop like, yesterday. If you’re saying oh man when I’m here or when I’m making x amount of money, then I’ll be happy. Holy Hannah these excuses gets me so fired up. Stop making excuses and get happy NOW.
2. Comparison on Social Media (Or in general)
I can be guilty of this too friends, I scroll through my Instagram, and I find myself falling into a comparison of people who I don’t even know. If I don’t even know them, why on earth am I letting them alter the way I feel?! Focus on your path and your growth and go back and scroll through your feed and be grateful for your own path.
3. Living and Focusing on the Past.
If you’re living in the past and focusing on things that happened that you have zero control over, you’re just literally setting yourself up to be depressed. If you have no control over a situation that happened in the past. Stop dwelling on it.
4. Trying to “Fit In.”
We’re not in High School anymore friends.. If you need to pretend to be someone else to get others to like you, you need to re-evaluate your crowd. You should be loved for you and if you’re not. Find another squad.
5. Overanalyzing Situations
It’s easy to keep investigating situations.. But really, most of the time that just gets you into trouble and makes you upset and depressed. You start creating situations that don’t even exist, and you start living in fear, and fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real.
6. Staying in Toxic Relationships
You’ve heard me say this time and time again, but you are who you surround yourself with. You need to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. People who will lift you up and who will cheer you on. If you stay around negative nay-sayers, you begin to fall into that category..
7. Not Working Out
I promise you if you start working out you’ll feel ten times better than before. I notice if I forget to work out for a couple weeks I fall into a more negative mindset and have sluggish days..
8. Staying in Your Comfort Zone
We don’t go after our goals and dreams because we don’t have the confidence to do so. It’s so important to take risks, because if you stay in a comfort zone you get bored. If you take risks and start to go after your dreams, You’ll build confidence and with that, comes happiness.
9. Spending Time on Things that Don’t Matter
It’s nice to have things that are just mindless fun but a lot of it is just too much.. If you’re constantly checking Facebook or even scrolling through your email you’re wasting time that could be spent in intent focus on something that is moving you forward. Schedule a time during the day to check your email instead of constantly checking it every minuite.
10. Relying on Others to make You Feel Happy
No one can make that decision for you, no one can make you listen to positive audios and books. You’re in charge of your happiness, and you’re the ones that make the decision to be happy.
Great post, Kristin! There’s so much truth in all of this.
Great post and great advice.
Thanks Carol! So nice seeing you yesterday!