We’ve seed started indoors!! I need to find a good place for it to get some light. Something I didn’t really think about before I started. Hahah We have a slider door in our dining room that gets amazing light but I’m nervous that apollo will grab a table and pull down all of our hard work. So I think the basement will work. We have a walkout so it gets pretty good lighting down there.

We planted lettuce, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, iceland poppies, cosmos, silene, feverfew, china aster and chinese forget-me-not.
I wanted to add more but if you read my post here you know that this year we won’t have a ton of space for a garden and most of it will have to be done on our porch since we don’t have a yard yet and with the lockdown, I’m not sure when we’ll be able to get it put in, unfortunately.

But starting these seeds was so much fun. I’m telling you, you guys. Every stage I’m like ok this is my favorite with Apollo. But this is seriously my favorite stage. Watching him grow, learn, explore is so sweet. He is such a big helper too. Anytime I ask if he wants to help mommy he drops everything and runs over so excited. I’m cherishing that forever. He loves to help cook, throw things away lol, he helps me water our plants every day. He’s just the best and the sweetest.