Hello, you beautiful people! This is a random Sunday night unexpected post but, that’s just how life rolls sometimes, right? Now I can’t take credit of this, one of my favorite people ever Tiffany AKA Coach Glitter did a scope tonight and talked about doing the ultimate brain dump. I thought this was brilliant something I needed to hear, and if it can help my peeps get closer to their goals & desires I’m guna share it with Y’all. This will help you regain your focus and recognize your strengths & gifts.
So here we go and DO THIS.
Do this for 15 minutes –
Write down everything that people tell you that you should be doing, or be doing more of.
What do people say you’re good at, and they compliment you by saying I wish I were as good at _______ as you are.
Once you start, everything will just begin to flow, (I know this because I just finished doing it.) and more and more ideas will keep coming, but you must do it for 15 minutes.
After you’re finished, take 4-5 must do daily tasks that will get you closer to your push goal.
To watch the entire scope make sure you check out Coach Glitter’s scope here!
Love you guys! xo
I really need to do this. Lately I feel like I have really lost my focus.