Mega Blocks, Paint, Mickey & Friends Cars, Mickey Vtech Cars, Colorful Paint Brushes, Color Wonder Paper, Color Wonder Paint Brushes, Color Wonder Markers, Mickey Color Wonder, Paint Brushes, Washable Crayons, Car Track, Car Track, Cut Fruit, Kitchen Set, Mickey Blocks, Pizza Cutting Set, Mickey Puzzle, Mickey Shape Blocks
I hope you guys are all doing okay! This is such a weird time, right? But I’ve had tons of questions asking what toys have been my favorite for Apollo during this time. I thought I would put this together and share what he’s been loving and share some activities we’re loving!
Firstly I try to put toys away for a few days and keep only a small amount out at a time. That way he doesn’t get bored with everything right away. I notice when I put some toys away in the closet for a few days or for a week once I bring them back out he plays with them for a longer period of time. That’s been a really helpful tip!
Paint Set, we use this almost every single day. Seriously. I’ll tape paper on his high chair and let him go to town. He loves to watch me mix the colors, he loves to see when he mixes the colors how they change. He’s obsessed. I’ve also put it on the walls of the bathtub (it cleans up perfectly) and just paint all over the tub. Like I said it cleans up perfectly and gives me the chance to deep clean the tub.
The Magic Paper and Color Wonder Markers are amazing. We use these almost daily too. They don’t get on anything but the paper! It’s wonderful!
The Mega Blocks are his favorite too! He loves building things and then smacking it and watch it all crashing down. Like, LOVES it. So any blocks or anything that can stack is what he’s loving.
I put his cars on here too because he is just obsessed with cars at the moment. He is obsessed with wheels and watching them turn. So that’s been really fun and a go-to on rotation during the day.
He also loves the animal magnets. Those are a go-to as well, especially when I’m making dinner. He loves to take them on and off the refrigerator while I’m cooking.
Activity wise, I’m just getting apollo more involved in my daily activities, cooking, cleaning, etc. I’m letting him mix sauces, put spinach in the blender cup, I’m just trying to get him involved as much as possible to help him learn and grow.
We also play and run all day, we go for walks, he throws the ball for Millie, we play hide and seek, we read. It helps if I write out in my notes app or on paper some activities I want to do the next day. It reminds me to do those things when all I want to do binge watch a show or mindlessly scroll Instagram.
I won’t go into detail of everything else but the toys listed are the things he is loving right now! I hope you guys are holding up okay and staying in and staying safe. So much love to you guys!