So let’s chat about how we can create more joy and more meaningful days and a more meaningful life because of those things are possible. I think we get really caught up every single day in what everyone else is doing and what people have.
We don’t sit back and ask ourselves what is the life we want to create and how do we want to create it and how we want to feel every single day.
How to start feeling joy.
Being Ready
For this, you need to be in the spot where you are so willing to make a change. So willing and ready to live a meaningful, more present, joyful life. You need to be in that headspace and sometimes that takes hitting rock bottom. Sometimes it takes being so over just feeling in the slump and you’re ready to create significant change for your life. You feel ready and deserving. That’s #1 you need to recognize that you want and deserve more. But chances are you’re here so you’re ready.

Getting It All Out
Whatever that looks like for you or the next girl reading this is probably going to be different. For me it’s doing a few things. Something you can do today is sit down with your journal and brain dump. Get all of it out of your brain and onto paper. So you can see what is really going on up there. What unconscious thoughts are you telling yourself? The more you understand your thoughts and see what you’re consciously and unconsciously thinking and believing the more you will have control over your thoughts which then creates more control over your feelings which your thoughts create your happiness.

So get a clear idea of what is going on up there so you can start managing and focusing on the thoughts that bring you joy.
Therapy has done wonders for me. Find a therapist that works for you. Mine works through childhood trauma, old thought patterns, Inner Child Work, PTSD she gives me tools that work specifically for me. This might be different for you but finding someone you can talk to and help understand why you tick the way you do will be incredibly useful.
Find someone that will just dig deep.

Let’s go back to journaling. Journaling can feel so uncomfortable. I know so many people say that they don’t think journaling is for them. I get that. I felt that too but that is WHY you need to journal. It needs to feel uncomfortable. You need to get it all out. Get out the crap that you don’t want anyone seeing (make sure to rip it up after you’re done) but seriously. It’s the perfect way to just get it all out.
Some Journaling Prompts.
(Your Name) How are you feeling today?
I’m feeling today because…
_ really bothered me today because…
Then when you’re feeling blocked just ask yourself, what else is there? Just keep writing.
The more you do this daily the more will come out. You just need to keep at it. The more you write it out the more you will clean up your mind and start to feel lighter.

Get the thoughts of worthlessness, the thoughts you’re not smart enough, good enough get that out because it is such a lie you keep telling yourself. Because someone spoke some sort of bull shit into you and you started believing it. Someone else’s lousy opinion you allowed yourself to identify with it. You are none of those things. You are so worthy, so brilliant so smart, so beautiful, so kind, and loving. But you just need to get the crap out that isn’t serving you.
I hope this How To Feel More Joy was helpful and I hope you start believing and knowing how incredible you are.
For daily inspiration and chats make sure you’re following me on instagram here and for more posts like this you can check out my post on How To Manifest Your Goals!