I hope you guys are doing well during quarantine. It can be so overwhelming right now. I go back and forth with being super motivated, working out, taking on the day, and then days where you just feel like there is no end in sight and it can all feel really daunting.
I’m so blessed that I’m quarentined with my son and my husband. I know so many people who are doing this alone and that can be really difficult. So if you have friends or family that are doing this alone make sure to check on them and maybe do something a little special to bring some happiness to their day.

A little bouquet of flowers!
This was an idea I had for mother’s day but especially during these times, I feel like this is such a great idea to brighten someone’s day. I think pairing this with a little handwritten note and some baked goods will surely brighten someones day!
I love Urban Stems and I’m so grateful to be working with them on today’s post! They were so generous to send over two of their The Juliet bouquets and you guys when I got them in the mail I was blown away. Their packaging is beautiful and the flowers came in looking amazing. But they were just enough that I was able to put together smaller arrangements to deliver to some of the really amazing Mothers and women in my life!
Urban Stems also has a subscription option as well which is really great especially during these times since we can’t really get out to the stores too much. Click here to check it out!

Gratitude Note
I think dropping off a quick handwritten note in someone’s mailbox or porch is just the perfect way to show that you’re thinking of them and that you love them.
Meals and Treats
I love putting together a quick freezer meal and a little tray of treats! Let’s be real, chocolate chip cookies will 100% brighten anyone’s day! My favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe is here and one of my favorite freezer meals are these!

Put together a little self-care package!
Grab a candle, some facemasks, their favorite nail polish, a handwritten note and maybe a new pair of comfy pajamas or sweats and a good throw blanket! You can shop some of my favorites here!