Want to clear out the clogged mental space in your own mind to have room to be present, to listen, to love on and give to other people?
When we’re so stuck on ourselves it takes time away from allowing ourselves to be present with others. That’s why self-acceptance is such a huge thing.
It takes time, really like it takes a ton of time. I am still working on myself and always will be. But I do exercises each day to get out of my own head to clear out my own mental blocks because I feel my true calling is to help others. To be present to give the advice to share my story and struggle and truly listen to others and help them overcome adversity and use it to their advantage.
Seriously guys, if you want to live a happy, fulfilled life you need to give yourself some time. Take a lavender bath, meditate do SOMETHING that will empower you. Because when you are mentally and physically healthy, you can heal others.
One exercise I do each morning is I journal and talk to my intuition. It may seem silly at first, but once you start doing it daily, a lot comes through. You feel clearer minded, you get out of your own way and you can start truly living a life of intentionality.
Here are the questions I ask myself each morning..
(Your Name), I love you, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You. I’ll link below an article on this so you can read more about it…
I’m sorry because…
I’m learning from you…
I forgive you body for…
(Your Name), I forgive you for…
I commit to you…
How can I serve?
Body, what do you need the most today?
What words do I need to hear from you today?
I love, I am proud, and I accept the person that I am.