Fear is something we all get stuck in, the fear of uncertainty the fear of not feeling good enough the fear of going after goals and dreams. You’re fearful of looking bad, or you’re afraid of what your friends or family will say about you.. Or you’re afraid of judgment, being criticized and laughed at…
You’re letting society and people hold you back. Stop it. Go after your goals and move forward fearlessly. Yea you’ll fall on your ass a few times, but that’s good. It’ll build up courage, confidence, and experience. Because it’s all about the growth, right?
Here’s the thing you need need to understand. What will bring you joy is the growth and the journey of pursuing a goal or a dream. The journey is what will fulfill you. Not the actual place. If you knew, you wouldn’t fail or you wouldn’t get to that “place” it wouldn’t be as fun. AND you’d still be the same person you are now.
So sit back, imagine yourself in that position, living that dream, being the CEO of your company. If you were magically placed in that position now, you wouldn’t be that person you imagine yourself to be. You never went through the struggles; you didn’t gain the confidence through the trials; you ‘d essentially still be stuck in the same place you are now because you’d be the same person you are NOW.
This is why I don’t want to win the lottery, people like die or something, right? LOL JUSSST KIDDING.. But I did hear it’s bad luck, and I know this isn’t true for everyone, but a lot of people go back to being as broke as they were before they won. They never had the journey to get to that level and to make that kind of money… I’m not going to get into it today but it consciousness and raising your vibration. Different subject for a different time but what I want you to get is that the journey is what will make you great and what will make you fulfilled.
Fear will always hold you back from playing big.
But once you get in it and once you start going through it, it will stop being the number one thing that holds you back. You will then begin to move confidently into new goals, new ideas because you’re used to the feeling of fear and it just doesn’t affect you that much anymore.
I know you have something of value to offer others, and I believe we’re all put on this planet to improve other lives of human beings. I believe we’re here to share and uplift our brothers and sisters. That’s what life is about right? Community and relationships.
I’m so passionate about improving others lives, with sharing my story. It’s impacted people and getting you guys’ e-mails fulfills me and makes me realize that this is my calling, and this is what I have to be doing. So here is my first ebook. I’m excited, but I’m also a little nervous about it, like anything new, new things cause stress, but stress is good. It’s really good, and this ebook feels really good to me. I hope you get something out of it. Even if it’s just one little ah-ha moment.
Are you going to allow fear dictate what you’re going to do, or will you allow hope and the passion that God put in you invade your soul and share that light with others.
(hint, hint, I hope it’s the second one!)