I had so much fun building Apollo’s Spaceship! It was something I went back and forth on only because I wasn’t super confident in building it. But We were browsing Pinterest and he saw a spaceship and kept saying wow wow wow. It was over then. I felt determined to build him one.
Like you probably do. I had a ton of Costco boxes left over. When quarantine hit we literally didn’t go anywhere and just ordered all of our groceries. Our Costco orders are always big so we had some huge leftover boxes which made it perfect for this because we needed long pieces, and LOTS of pieces.
Packing Tape, Black Electrical Tape, Letters, White Spray Paint, Black Planters, Tissue Paper Red and Yellow, Radio Flyer Wagon

I started by measuring the wagon and then cut the long pieces. Honestly you guys I just went along with it. I just used a whole lot of tape and guessed. I didn’t follow any plans I just kept making it what I thought it should look like LOL.
I just sprayed it all white. I drew on the little windows on the front and painted them in with black paint. Then I used black electrical tape and framed it out. Printed out Nasa logos and taped them on!
For the fire I hot glued tissue paper into little black planters and taped those to the spaceship.
For the wings after I shaped them to keep them up I followed this drawing my dad made for me. That was the best way to keep the wings up unless you made them thicker.

Through this if one wing is lower than the other, if the tape is coming up or the front won’t stay up, give yourself grace. It doesn’t have to be perfect, like at all. It’s a Halloween costume. Just do it if it’s fun for you and your family and just have a fun outlook on it and give yourself a break.
Hope you have fun with this! Happy Halloween!