Apollo’s outfit : Rylee & Cru Sweater, Rib Leggings Hux Baby
Apollo is 18 months old now and HOW?! I don’t understand. Matt and I were looking through some older videos and photos and I can’t believe how big he’s getting already! He’s such a sweet boy, has the kindest heart and is so funny. I thought I laughed a lot in life before him but now I feel like I’m almost laughing all day every day. He’s just so fun and I know I said this at every age but this is definitely my favorite age. He’s so fun and it’s been so fun to watch him experience life. It’s almost like doing it all over again yourself.

Favorite Foods: Apple Sauce, his love for apple sauce is insane. Every time I get it out of the pantry he does this little shimmy and gets the biggest smile on his face. He also loves any sort of pasta. Loves it. Which I understand because I mean, pasta. He also loves his waffles and smoothies which I shared the smoothie recipe I always follow here!
Our journey with food was a little rough. It took a while for him to enjoy food. In fact, it was super stressful. He always weighed in the 90th percentile but hated to eat. But he did love his Babas (milk) He would gag with everything but one day I feel like it just switches and they’re just ready. That’s one thing I’ve learned with all these stages and milestones I have to remind myself, he will get there. It’s just on his time and I need to be okay with that.

Favorite Toys: He loves his trucks, he loves to color, he loves his kitchen and his blocks. Specifically these mickey blocks. He loves to stack them then ram his head into them and knock them down. No joke.
Favorite things to do: I would say one of his favorite things to do is to dance (which the dancer me in loves) Whenever music comes on the TV he starts to shimmy and dance. Current fav song What a man gotta do by the most amaze Jo Bros.

The favorite thing he does: This is so hard to choose because it’s everything. I love how sweet he is. He’s just so kind, loving, sweet and sharing. We’ll be playing and he’ll stop and just come over and give me a hug and it takes everything in me to not sob. It’s just so sweet so I would say his kind hard is one of my favorite things. I also love how interested and focused he is in everything. I took him to a playground and instead of running around on he kept going underneath the playset and would point at the screws and knobs. He’s so detail-oriented and so focused.
Sleep: He’s finally sleeping SO well. I might regret saying this LOL but he’s finally sleeping until 7/7:30 and it is amazing. It gives me a few minutes in the morning to get up before him, get my coffee, journal answer a couple of emails and it is wonderful!

We love this little guy so much. He makes life so much more joyful and special.
Apollo and You look good š Spring is here and will definitely check out the pieces you recommended here. Thanks