If you guys aren’t following me on Periscope yet, not sure whats wrong with you. JK but kinda for real, I’m scoping there almost every day sharing style tips, lifestyle tips and how to grow mental positivity. I really suggest you come hang, plus then I can chat with y’all real time. How cool! You can find me by searching SunnyKrissy or simply click here
The reason I mentioned scope was because yesterday I did a scope on this topic. How to overcome overwhelm and I shared tips that I used that I found to work pretty darn well. So here they are m’friends!
1. Schedule ABCD Hours
If you’re like me, I get extremely overwhelmed when I know I have a lot to do in a day. When I look at my list of 17 things to do, I get overwhelmed and shut down. Lately, I’ve been making lists that look something like this,
A Hour 8-10
Feed our Pup
Rewrite Notes
My Time (Run, Green Juice & Any Writing Exercises)
Schedule Hootsuite
Write a Blog Post
B Hour 10 – 12
Take Photos of Products
E-mail Certain People
Write a Newsletter
C Hour 12 – 2
Call on my Car
Call Art Van
Work on my Freemium
D Hour 2 – 5
Work on my Freemium
2:30 Coaching Call
So you get the gist.
When you do these ABCD Hours, you are looking at a MUCH shorter list and much more likely to get everything done.
2. Reorganize your bedroom and filter your summer items to fall.
So this might be a heart breaker for some of you, but, to be honest, I’m pretty excited for fall attire. If you minimize the clutter that is in your space, you will feel MUCH better. I promise you. Also, since fall is like here, you know you’re not going to wear that neon pink halter top the rest of the season so why not set it aside for a few months!
3. Implement what you have learned.
If you’re reading this, I assume you’re a lot like me then. I CONSUME knowledge. I’m obsessed with learning, I totally have the attitude that I NEED TO KNOW MORE, and although that can be a good thing, it’s really really important to start implementing what you’ve learned. Even if it’s as simple as re-writing your notes, or taking one action step. Like this post, I dare you to take an action step from this post! Tweet me if ya do!
4. Take care of yourself
Get a mani, go to lush get a bath bomb and take a bath, make a green juice. Do something that is bringing you personal happiness and that will make you feel good.
5. Ask for help
Ohhh muh goodness, this is the hardest thing for me. I like doing everything myself. In fact, I know it frustrates people around me because If they’re doing things I usually take care of. I’m like, um why are you doing that, I can do that, I was planning on doing that. When in reality they’re just trying to help and look that took 15 minutes off of your plate to keep focusing on what you were focusing on. People in your life want to help you, and you just need to allow that to happen. Also be grateful for it, not get snarky.
6. Practice Gratitude
Make a list of everything you’re grateful for. Be thankful you woke up this morning, be grateful for the people in your life, be grateful you’re reading this post right now š be grateful you have a smartphone, or a laptop, ANYTHING. You woke up with legs, YAY. Just name off every single thing you’re grateful for.
7. Give it to God
Man oh man, this one can be tough because vulnerability is scary. I promise you, that moment you drop to your knees set ego aside and just pray. Ask God to use you. Get to the point where you’ve said that’s it, I’ve had it, please just use me and ask for direction. It will happen.
I hope these tips helped, I adore you people and if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, please try and implement at least one of these tips because from personal experience I know they work. Also, if you’d like to be around a positive tribe make sure you come hang with me and a bunch of other amazing humans at The Sunny Group on Facebook. It’s a group of pretty amazing peeps that just want to uplift, inspire and grow. Love y’all! xo Happy Dominating Overwhelm!